The Number One Mistake Most Preachers Make
Bruce Johnson has an interesting post on one of the biggest mistakes he thinks a pastor can make. Bruce writes: So what is the number one mistake that most preachers and communicators make? They don't hook their congregation/audience. Now, don't...

Big Church Envy
William Whitehead of Soma writes: My mom brought me another bulletin from a church she just visited. I wish she wouldn’t do this. “You should see this church!” she glows. “They have everything! They have a great music program with...

There Has To Be A Sermon Illustration Here Somewhere...
Now for something totally unrelated... COLUMBUS, Ohio With all the violence on T-V and in the movies these days, there's a never-ending demand for dead guys in Hollywood. Where do they find these bodies? One place to look is

Preaching the Virtues of iPod
I'm interested in your first impression of this story, from Let me know... HOUSTON -- A Houston pastor is putting a new spin on Apple Computer Inc.'s popular iPods, telling his Baptist congregation that the simple gadgets contain a...

What Youth Ministers Wish Their Senior Pastors Knew
A while back, there was quite a storm about the post about "Six Things Worship Pastors Would like to Tell their Senior Pastors"... now "Pastor J" has a sequel for Youth Pastors... see what you think... (props to Rachel for...

FOLLOWUP: Hey! Give Me Back My Sermon!
In followup to our Hey! Give Me Back My Sermon! post earlier this week, someone sent me this article by Mark Mittelberg of WCA. I think Mark gives a balanced approach on this subject of sermons and plagiarism. Mark writes:...

Hey... Give Me Back My Sermon!
I think we've touched on this once or twice before... but it keeps coming up in the news. The subject: Sermons and Plagiarism. This is part of an article featured at The morning after classes began at the end...

Senior Pastors: The Little Things Make the Difference!
From "Bald Man Blogging": I wanted to share this, because it's been a highlight for me over the last couple weeks: Dave, the senior pastor of the church we've been attending has asked for questions and comments via email. Well,...

The Pastor and Atrophy: Coasting on the Past
Last week, I gave an invitation for all of you to join me as I read through a new book that I think will be very intersting. It's called Why Churches Die: Diagnosing Lethal Poisons in the Body of Christ...

When Loving You Is Killing Me: Thoughts On Pastoring The Small Church (Part 2)
Yesterday, we looked at part one of Pastor David Hansen's story. Today we'll hear (as Paul Harvey would say), 'the rest of the story'. David writes: I became bitter, and occasionally angry. (Once when the length of a service was...