I just took a screen shot to show you some of what I've been working on for the new MMI. You can click on this image for a bigger shot...
Update from Todd
I promised I'd keep you updated on the switchover process to the new website. It's going slow but sure. I started updating all the oldest entries (staritng in September of 2004). So far, I'm up to July of 2005. The...
Tuesday Ramblings from Todd
Good day, everyone! I trust that everyone had a great holiday weekend; and enjoyed your extra time off! We had a weekend full of baseball (as is normal for this time of the year around the Rhoades household.) We have...
Todd Nearly Jailed Over the Weekend
OK... I bet that title got your attention. Alright... I actually wasn't almost jailed, but I did find myself in an altercation with two Cleveland, OH police officers over the weekend that kind of jolted my existence for a few...
Todd's Biggest Fear...
This cartoon from Savage Chickens really sums it up for me. You see, I think I'm much more interesting as a blogger than in person. :) This cartoon kind of puts it in perspective. (Those who know me would probably...
Our 1000th Post on MMI!
Yesterday I posted our 1,000th post on MMI! Wow, a thousand posts. Alot has happened in a thousand posts. We've talked about just about everything imaginable in ministry; the good, the bad, and the ugly; and yet it seems that...
Video Podcasts You'll Want to Check Out
My new video iPod just arrived last week (I opted for the black one), and I love it. I've been waiting for a long time (I got it for free with my credit card points) and it was well worth...
What Are Your Favorite Books/Resources?
Hey, many of you know that I'm working feverishly on the new design and plan for MMI. Part of that plan is the addition of more book reviews and even an online store. I'm working pretty hard on getting things...
Ramblings for a Tuesday
Just a few tidbits for this Tuesday... things on my mind, or things I find interesting: 1. SMALL CHURCHES: Wow, there must be a lot of very small United Methodist Churches out there. Figures from the United Methodist Board of...
Do You Live Outside the United States?
I was just looking over some MMI site stats and was amazed at where some of our traffic comes from. Of course, the majority of our visitors are from the United States... but we also have quite a number of...