How to Get Your First-Time Guests to Come Back
An interesting article over at Rick Ezell offers a pretty high claim in the title of this article, but I think you'll agree that he makes some great suggestions. Here are some: Fact #1 - Your visitors make up...

No More "Gas Guzzling" Excuses for Not Attending Church
We've dealt with this before here at MMI; but it's still popular out there, so I'll bring it up again... Read this article from and let me know what you think. Good or bad idea? CHANDLER, AZ -- The...

How Far Would You Go To See Through the Eyes of Your Guests?
Kem Meyer has a great post over at her blog about how far you would go to understand your church's visitors. Kem writes... It’s something that has been consuming me lately. I can't stop seeking new ways to adjust my...

Ten Keys to Sane Church Planting
[from] Bob Hyatt writes: I recently saw a list of 10 Keys to Effective Church Planting. I want to whole-heartedly agree with some and humbly take issue with others (and one in particular)... I don't pretend to know it...

The Most Important Age Group for Spiritual Decisions
This link and letter is a little dated (a few years back); but presents a great message for churches. Maybe it just hit me because I have two junior highers... but it's a shame if churches don't at least look...

The Competitive Market of the Church
''The United Methodist Church is advertising. 'The United Church of Christ is advertising. They're losing membership and are asking themselves how to get new crowds out there. It's a competitive market and they're reading the writing on the wall.'' --Pastor...

A Southern Baptist and a Methodist Share the Stage (oh my!)
Imagine... joining forces with another church in another denomination to reach people for Christ... read this from the Houston Chronicle about two huge churches in Houston that put any differences aside on Easter to attempt to reach people for Christ......

Let's Hear Your Easter Stories!
I love Easter... it is, by far, my favorite Sunday of the year... I love celebrating Christ's resurrection. Easter is also a Sunday that most churches plan for months in advance... special services; extra advertising; additional outreach emphasis... it all...

Lee Strobel: DaVinci Code an Opportunity
Lee Strobel has a question for the American church: "What if churches and individual Christians took advantage of the hoopla surrounding the forthcoming movie to reach out to their friends, colleagues, and neighbors with the real story about Jesus?" he...

Schuller's Ticket To Heaven: Get Yours Today
Some here at MMI are quick to judge others about preaching a message of 'easy believism'. Well, I'm guessing here's one that we all might agree on. From "The Hour of Power's" website... Get your free "Ticket to Heaven": Jesus...