Here's an important reminder about having too much debt... This from the Star Telegram... WATAUGA -- Harvest Church, one of the city's largest employers, is facing foreclosure on the church property after experiencing slower-than-expected membership growth, the aftermath of a...
Ed Young: Don't Play Nerf Ball With the Church
Ed Young has some thoughts about money and financing ministry over at see what you think about his thoughts... Ed writes: People always ask me, “How has your church changed since you started with a few hundred people to...
Big Ministries: How Much Is Too Much?
I received an email from Bernie Dehler this morning about a new post over at his blog. Many of you know Bernie from the past here at MMI. Bernie has compiled a list of executive pay at some of the...
Handling Designated Contributions to Your Church
“Designated contributions” which include love offerings, too, are contributions made to a church with the stipulation the donations are used for a specified purpose. As a general principle, a donor can receive a charitable contribution credit from the church if...
NEW STUDY: How Pastors AND Congregations Feel About Tithing
Two studies were conducted on church stewardship by Ellison Research (Phoenix, Ariz.). One was a representative sample of 811 Protestant church ministers nationwide, and the other was a companion survey of 1,184 people who attend Protestant churches at least once...
Stewardship Series in January? You in?
I know that we've had quite the debate at times here at MMI over tithing. I don't want this post to do that. But I am interested in just how many of your churches do some type of stewardship series...
Christians: Are We As Generous As We Think We Are?
This comes from the "From the Salmon" blog... on the subject of giving trends: Here’s a passage from Ron Sider’s The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: John and Sylvia Ronsvalle have been carefully analyzing the giving patterns of American Christians...
Summer Giving Slump? 5 Things NOT to Do!
Many churches suffer from a temporary decline in giving over the summer months. For smaller churches, especially, this can make things really tight. Brian Kluth from Maximum Generosity suggests five things that you should NOT do if you are experiencing...