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Friday, September 23, 2005
A Pastor's Biggest Nightmare: Pitching Your Tents
Oh my goodness... I laughed until I cried. Of course it could have been that it was late and I was in deep need of some sleep.
Have you ever said something while speaking that just didn't come out right? Well, so did this pastor.
I have no idea who this pastor is or where he is from (and, I'm sure that he would like to remain anonymous); but hopefully he is laughing along with everyone else.
Here's the video link. (Note: It took awhile to load on my computer).
And a word to the faint of heart. This is not something you would normally hear from the pulpit; so please be warned.
Have a great weekend.
FOR DISCUSSION: Have you ever had a 'slip of the tongue' while preaching? Care to share, or would you rather just forget?!
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September 23, 2005 in Humor | Permalink
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» Funny as anything. from Fingertoe.com
I love this guy's expression when he realizes what he said... Pitching Tents - pitching_tents.wmv @ ZippyVideos.com - Free Video Webhosting via Monday Morning Insight Weblog... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 26, 2005 5:48:58 AM
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
I have had too many slips and phrases that stick out "gasp for breath" and "Reeses Pieces" what I will not share is what really came out.
Posted by: soulpastor | Sep 23, 2005 9:12:47 AM
What was hard to watch was what he did to himself afterwards. If he had ignored it and gone on, it would have stayed around a while. The way he handled I think how he handeled it makes it even more of a distraction.
A wise teacher told me, you acknowledge it, and go on and it gets everyone back on track quicker and you remain cool.
Posted by: Royal Farris | Sep 23, 2005 9:27:38 AM
I had a friend who once preached that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the ass of a colt.
And I was leading worship a few years ago and realized that I had just sang the line, "Let angels prostate fall."
Actually, I thought his reaction was fine. You've gotta be able to laugh at yourself.
Posted by: ovation2002 | Sep 23, 2005 3:32:57 PM
My dad was speaking about vietnam one time and made mention of their Rice Craps it was really funny and he did kind of the same thing just laughed and went on. I thought he was ok, the funniest part was the look in his eyes after he said it, it was a I know I did not just say that... that was a good laugh for a sat morning thanks!!!
Posted by: BWS | Sep 24, 2005 12:38:02 PM
Thank you! Let's us know that we are human. Still laughing!
Posted by: Jerry | Sep 24, 2005 3:10:49 PM
Poor Guy, I feel for him having done it myself. Sometimes, it is best to forget the sermon and have a good laugh!
Posted by: Pastor Al | Sep 24, 2005 9:44:12 PM
I was preached...."if your ass fall in ditch pull it out". The biggest problem was looking at a few of my friends in the church that did their best not to laugh. I on the other hand...couldn't stop.
Posted by: Andy | Sep 25, 2005 5:24:49 PM
I heard a Christian college chapel speaker relate the occasion when his daughter had "her ears pissed". I have no idea what he spoke about that day.
Posted by: Frank Dudley | Sep 26, 2005 9:48:02 AM
Anyone ever find out who this guy is and where he's pastoring? I'd love to see some of his other work.
Posted by: John Morris | Sep 28, 2005 7:11:00 AM
Thanks for the laugh! I love it when I am minding my own business and come across something like this that makes me stop what I am doing and just laugh out loud!
Two kinds of folks... those that tell you they laughed... and those that wish they could.... tell you that is!
Posted by: Stephen Modawell | Sep 28, 2005 10:20:43 AM
Thanks for the laugh! I love it when I am minding my own business and come across something like this that makes me stop what I am doing and just laugh out loud!
Two kinds of folks... those that tell you they laughed... and those that wish they could.... tell you that is!
Real Living is far more enjoyable than Pretending...
Posted by: Stephen Modawell | Sep 28, 2005 10:21:54 AM
Once in the middle of a very serious sermon I said something very funny , so funny that most of the congregation really laughed out loud , all I could do was look puzzled because still to this day , I don't know what I said that was so funny... and if you think about it ... thats funny ... the moral of the story? "Dont take yourself too seriously" ....
Posted by: Tom Riggs | Sep 28, 2005 1:50:21 PM
That is *the* funniest blooper I've *ever* heard!! My pastor hubby cracked up too!
That poor guy! ROTFLMHO! Just shows we're still human! The video of it was a nice touch...seeing his face...well, it is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Shannon | Sep 29, 2005 2:29:33 PM
This blooper was by Blake Bergstrom - High School Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Parker, CO.
Posted by: Rob | Oct 4, 2005 2:54:12 PM
I heard a very well known pastor say "brutally married" when he meant "brutally murdered." He laughed a bit about Freudian slips and jokingly apologized to his wife. Sadly, it came out not too long after that he had been an unfaithful husband over a period of years, so his wife might have felt she'd been brutally married. It was funny and memorable at the time.
Posted by: Mary | Oct 10, 2005 4:03:06 PM
I heard a very well known pastor say "brutally married" when he meant "brutally murdered." He laughed a bit about Freudian slips and jokingly apologized to his wife. Sadly, it came out not too long after that he had been an unfaithful husband over a period of years, so his wife might have felt she'd been brutally married. It was funny and memorable at the time.
Posted by: Mary | Oct 10, 2005 4:04:52 PM
I can't help but believe this was intentional since I had heard this years ago while I was in seminary. The problem is that when I read that passage now I recall what happened before - I speak very slowly and distinctly or - it is easy to make the same mistake again.
Posted by: Don | Oct 24, 2005 11:33:15 AM
I take care of videos, sound and lighting for youth events at a large church in Australia. Recently we took a small team to lead a service at a country church (mainly older people in the cogregation) where we decided to use Keith Green's "O Lord You're Beautiful" in the service. During the rehearsal, our worship leader somehow managed to sing "Your book of lies" instead of "Your book of books lies undisturbed." It was hilarious and took about 5 minutes to get the rehearsal back on track!
Thankfully the book of lies didn't make an appearance at the service the following morning, but there would have been no problem as none of the locals would have had their hearing aids turned up enough ;-)
Posted by: Dave | Oct 30, 2005 11:04:31 PM
Blake used to work in the same town I am serving in now. We worked together on several projects. To know him is to appreciate his humor and personality. Such a nice guy. That makes this video that much funnier.
I used to only worry if my fly was open. Now I watch every word I say!
Posted by: Jamie | Nov 16, 2005 12:15:30 PM
I heard a pastor preaching one Sunday and he warned us guys that having sex with a lot of different women leads to "sexual immortality."
Posted by: Fred Johnson | Nov 29, 2005 1:44:31 AM
I have seen this before, but whenever I watch this it CRACKS ME UP. I think his eyes are what really get me; when he realizes what he just said. My dad's a preacher & he says that sometimes, you just have to say "let's pray & be dismissed", because by then you've lost everyone & sometimes you just can't get them back, no matter how hard you try. It brightens my day everytime.
Posted by: Christy | Jan 11, 2006 9:16:37 PM
The pastors name is Blake Bergstrom and I go to his church. I was there the day it happened. After he had finished preaching he ran out of the room with us laughing. It was helarious. He still preaches at out church and just got back from CIY with him. He is a great guy and we still give him a hard time about it.
Posted by: Josh | Jul 2, 2006 8:17:27 PM
Jonathan Ross is dubbed risque by Ofcom but not in breach of rules over an interview with David Cameron.
Posted by: Timothy Pointer | Jun 22, 2007 2:42:34 AM
I was in Chapel one morning at a COC private University in AR. This was back in '88 and the President of the University was praying, giving thanks for the new 5K seat Convocation center we were currently using for the first time. "...and we thank you, Lord for this huge erection..." He finished the prayer, but we didn't hear it.
I have friends who have met Mr Bergstrom, and they say he is truly a very nice guy.
Posted by: Kevin | Jul 1, 2007 9:14:32 PM
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