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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

James Dobson vs. Sponge Bob

Sponge_bobThe opening sentence of the article a Seattle newspaper caught my eye:

"On the heels of electoral victories to bar same-sex marriage, some influential conservative Christian groups are turning their attention to a new target: SpongeBob SquarePants."

Huh?  I thought.  Then I continued...

"Does anybody here know SpongeBob?" James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, asked the guests Tuesday night at a black-tie dinner for members of Congress and political allies to celebrate the election results.

In many circles, SpongeBob needs no introduction. He is popular among children and grownups as well who watch him cavorting under the sea on the Nickelodeon cartoon program that bears his name. In addition, he has become a camp figure among adult gay men, perhaps because he holds hands with his animated sidekick Patrick.

Now, Dobson said, SpongeBob's creators had enlisted him in a "pro-homosexual video," in which he appeared alongside other children's television characters such as Barney and Jimmy Neutron, among many others. The video's makers, he said, planned to mail it to thousands of elementary schools this spring to promote a "tolerance pledge" that includes tolerance for differences of "sexual identity." He urged his allies to stand against it as part of a "spiritual battle" for the country.

The video's creator, Nile Rodgers, who wrote the disco hit "We Are Family," says Dobson's objection stemmed from a misunderstanding. Rodgers said he founded the We Are Family Foundation after the Sept. 11 attacks to create a music video featuring 100 well-known cartoon characters dancing to his song in order to teach children about multiculturalism.

The video has appeared on Nickelodeon and other networks, and nothing in it or its accompanying materials refers to sexual identity. The "tolerance pledge," which was borrowed from the Southern Poverty Law Center, is not mentioned on the video.

Rodgers suggested that Dobson and the American Family Association, the conservative Christian group that first sounded the alarm, might have been confused by an unrelated Web site belonging to another group called "We Are Family." That site is owned by a Charleston, S.C., group that supports gay youth.

Mark Barondeso, general counsel for the We Are Family Foundation, suggested that anyone who says the video promotes homosexuality "needs to visit their doctor and get their medication increased."

Yesterday however, Paul Batura, assistant to Dobson, said Focus on the Family stood by its assertions. "We see the video as an insidious means by which the organization is manipulating and potentially brainwashing kids," he said.

OK... this article is from the New York Times (not a publication that is normally pro-Christian/pro-family-values).  So, for further clarification; here is James Dobson's statement on the issue.

Andy Havens from the website ChurchMarketingSucks.com (believe it or not, a church marketing website) says that there are four reasons that you shouldn't ever pick a fight with a cartoon character.  Andy writes:

I'm not going to get into the political, social or moral debate at all, because that doesn't have anything to do with marketing. What I am going to tell you--and this isn't a suggestion, but a straight up marketing imperative--is don't ever, ever, ever get in a fight with a fictional characacter. I don't care if it's the protagonist in a classic novel, a lead figure in a play, a cartoon animal, a comedic role in a modern sitcom or the animated spokes-thing for a major brand of pet-food. It's a lose-lose-lose proposition for you from a PR standpoint. Why? Four main reasons.

1. You look foolish.
You're arguing about (and potentially with) something that doesn't exist. That's bad enough in the business and political world, but even worse in the world of faith. If you think that a particular type of entertainment or show is problematic, say so simply and back it up scripturally. You don't need to poke fun or villify the authors or creators of the work. All that will do is turn their fans into enemies. And fans of creative work are some of the worst enemies you can have from a PR perspective.

2. You're on their turf.
Created characters actually live in the world of information. That's all they are--content. You have to eat, sleep, walk the dog, sit in traffic, etc. You have friends whose opinions matter to you. You have family. They do not. They are not real. They can defy the laws of space and time. Dead presidents can speak on their behalf. They can appear on 20 different shows at the same time. It's like trying to outswim Flipper. Bad idea.

3. Reason isn't reasonable.
The fans of fictional characters love them because they aren't real. Serious, rational arguments about their "faults" don't count.

4. They bite.
It's one thing to get taken down a peg by a real-life antagonist; someone with an argument better than yours or a competing organization that simply does a better job at what you're trying to do. It's another thing entirely for a fictional character to take you out back and spank you like a redheadded stepchild. Murphy Brown did it to Dan Quayle. Not pretty.

What do you think?  Is this something to seriously fight for or against?  Is Sponge Bob worth James Dobson's time?  I'd love to hear your comments.

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January 26, 2005 in Current Affairs | Permalink

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From what I understand (haven't seen the clip), it seems reasonable that Focus on he Family made a mistake and isn't owning up to it. Perhaps they will.

I disagree that it's bad to "fight with a cartoon character" because they aren't real. Actually, they're a good caricature of culture, sometimes. They can be used for good illustrations.

The reasons for not doing so are pragmatic. Let's also not share the Gospel, because most people will resist it, ridicule it, etc. You see the same negative mind frame. We are not called to success, but obedience. Success depends on the Lord, if we are in His will. (Is dying for your faith a success?)


Posted by: bernie dehler | Jan 26, 2005 10:36:48 AM

The argument is not with Spongebob, or Jimmy Neutron (who I think the creator is a christian). The argument is the use of these characters to promote a tolerance for "sexual orientation" allegedly promoted by this organization. Its one thing to learn to get along with those who think differently, or look differently from us, but the word "tolerate" by today's culture means to accept and embrace all but the conservative Christian world view.

Posted by: Bob Clark | Jan 27, 2005 10:56:04 AM

My expectation on the world/culture that does not know Christ is a little different than most I assume. I expect lost people to act like lost people. If a person doesn't know Christ, embrace the value system of scripture and promote the mission of His body then why are we so surprised and enraged when we encounter a culture who doesn't embrace our beliefs? For me, the question is not how to I respond but how do I engage them.

Looking at Christ's example in the New Testament is hard for me to imagine Him engaging the Christless culture in such a way. What I see Him doing (the woman at the well) is expressing compassion with a call to "sin no more". I clearly hear the latter call but always fail to see the first part as Christians interact with the lost community.

Regarding the issue of tolerance, I think my assumption in my first paragraph colors my opinion of how Christians should lead in our culture. Tolerance is a dirty word in the church. In our body, and in the kingdom I endorse a theology that promotes holiness and a commitment to the values, tenants of Christ. But I think is ignorant to assume that non-Christians will embrace those same values. Instead of standing in our churches, shouting at the world from our island "You are wrong! Your evil! We are right!" why not move off the island of our faith, dynamite the bridge behind us, engage the culture that we fear and put some "proof" to the "truth" we preach. That proof is compassionate works of service.

I recommend a book called The Church of Irresistible Influence, Bridge-Building Stories to Help Reach Your Community by Robert Lewis with Rob Wilkins. This book tells an inspiring story that shows how a church can become an irresistible influence on its neighborhood, community, and world by building bridges over troubled waters to a dying culture through showing the love of God in action. I am a member of this church and have first hand seen this love in action and have experienced the response of our community as we have move into our culture. I remember one elementary school principle saying “I’ve been doing this job for over 20 years and this is the first time a church has committed to us to assist us and actually kept their word.” She said this as tear came to her eyes and over 500 volunteers from 10 different churches showed up to transform her school by freely giving time, energy and effort to do a “total school makeover” by replacing carpet, installing new playground equipment, painting, remodeling, and landscaping the entire campus. Those 10 churches earned the right to preach the truth.

I completely respect Dr. Dobson's position but I disagree with his presentation and methodology. Reviewing the content of a few sites leads me to assume that the video is endorsed by the above-mentioned organization and was not created to be a blatant promotional piece for the gay agenda. The response seems extreme and confrontational.

Posted by: Shane Montgomery | Jan 27, 2005 12:24:53 PM

The real issue is with the entire site. While the cartoon video was cute which would certainly attract children the real issue was the associated links (now removed) that link viewers with pro homosexual sites and anti Christian sites.
The real goal behind the entire site, not just the cartoon video, was to expose people to a pro homosexual agenda.
For specific details write Stephen Bennett Ministries at sbministries.org

Posted by: P. Jack Driscoll | Jan 27, 2005 12:50:17 PM

I am a Christain - the daughter of a pastor - and all I can say is that James Dobson and the the right-wing conservatives really need to get over themselves! Spongebob? Holding Social Security hostage to a gay marriage ban? Really?? What would Jesus do? Surely not this.

Posted by: Pamela | Jan 27, 2005 1:31:14 PM

I can see both peoples sides in this I can see Dobson's because of what is being portrayed and I can see other people saying "come on its a cartoon". But the truth is I have not checked out the website or all that was said. I do know this people are not going to act like Christ if they don't have Christ in their heart. I am also aware that people in marketing are not stupid. If they want to push pro-homosexuality views they know they must reach the young. Now before anyone jumps down my back on this one know that I am not saying this is a close comparison at all!! But if you look at communist countries and when they tried to push the marxist views what did they do? They shut down the churches for months to teach "literacy" which was actually the infiltration of marxist teachings they would pull the young out on purpose and teach them these things and most of the time the young would end up clinging to those beliefs and never step back into the church again. The communist knew they had to reach the children and youth for their propoganda to continue. Now know that I am not saying Spongebob is communist or some kind of crazy insane thing like that but what I am saying is that people know they must reach children and youth with their message for their message to continue and what better way to do it than through a cartoon that most people wouldn't think twice about it. I think that the agenda of "Tolerance" as what it is being portrayed today as "acceptance" is being pushed on many different levels young and old but know that in the end God wins! At times it can be discouraging but remember the end! Someone earlier mentioned that tolerance teaches to accept all but the christian world view. This will never change because Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father except through me." There are no alternate routes, no secret path ways, no deals, just Jesus and that is not what our world wants to hear

Posted by: Dave | Jan 27, 2005 10:20:22 PM

I have not seen the video, where do I go to see it? As far as Dobson's comments, I did look at that, and His statment in the Mag. was very professional, unlike many comments I have read here. I am not sure we should take advice from anyone who says Murphy Brown "spanked" Quail, "like a redheaded step-child." Also what do we mean by Dobson needs to "get over himself?" Focus on the Family, and Dobson himself, are pouring their lives into protecting the family. Do you really think Dobson would make a comment like this without really believing something was wrong here? As far as what Jesus would do, I never read in the Bible where Jesus is dealing with someone who is wrong, by saying, "Get over yourself."
I don't know if this Sponge Bob thing is wrong or not, I have not seen the video but now I plan to. I am glad, that Doboson has brought attention to it, if nothing else. Parents need to made awared of what is goign before their childrens eyes
Just some thoughts

Posted by: Jade | Jan 28, 2005 3:04:15 PM

I have always respected the views of Dr. James Dobson but lately in his vigor to hold onto what is right he has fallen who knows where. In the past he has done everything he could to get all the data before expressing his feelings on the issues whether or not we feel he is right or wrong. But lately he has been on such a rampage he has on several occasions overlooked key information which does nothing but make him a laughing stock not only to the extreme left but also to the extreme right! Come on Dr. Dobson you are a better man than that please stop jumping before you know there's a real cause I for one would like to keep our fight for values a believeable fight. I don't want us to wind up like the boy who cried wolf having nobody to take us seriously and to loose all the way around. Dr. Dobson I will continue to pray for you because I have known you for years and know you have always wanted to do what is right. God Bless.

Posted by: Pastor Kelly | Jan 31, 2005 3:12:31 PM

Wow! Just another great example of how some in the Christian faith seem to always be looking to fight the evil pagans (whose mascot is, ummm, SpongeBob?) so they can get a pat on the back from Colonel Jesus! It appears however (and it didn't take an MDIV to figure this out) that the Biblical Jesus took his fighting to the church leadership (you know, stuff like "brood of vipers, whitewashed tombstones, etc.) He didn't seem to think that bashing the pagan's world of idols (did they have a SpongeBaal?) did much for sharing His good news.

We finally get a popular show for kids that doesn't promote sex, violence, or disrespect and what do we Christians do? We claim Bikini Bottom is a cartoon San Francisco! May God forgive us.

Perhaps a trip to non-americanized Christianity would do us all a bit of good. I have a feeling the persecuted Christians of China would scratch their heads at this one and wonder just what Bible we're reading and what God we're worshipping.

Perhaps we should stop majoring on the minors and ask not "What would Jesus Do?" but instead "What DID Jesus Do?"

Posted by: Pastor Gary | Jan 31, 2005 6:16:33 PM

Dr. Dobson and Focus on the Family has since released a clarification on this issue. Dr. Dobson's objection had nothing to do with Sponge Bob or any of the other cartoon characters being used in a video promoting cultural, religious, socio-economic, ethnic tolerance. In fact, he wrote in SUPPORT of the type/definition of the tolerance being expressed.
The the objection involves the We Are Family Foundation who is using the video as part of a promotion for tolerance in elementary schools.
Along with this general sense of tolerance, this Foundation, apparently, also takes a pro-homosexuality stance within the educational enviroment. Once again, APPARENTLY, since the issue has been raised, all references in support of this aspect of "tolerance" has since been removed from the We Are Family Foundation website yet their existance has been "documented."
Look, I also winced when I first read this because I am both a Dr. Dobson & Sponge Bob fan. (I also enjoy Samuri Jack!) but there is more issue than "meets the blog!"
I'm no fan of religous leaders who at the drop of the perverbial hat, go off tilting at social windmills. BUT, perhaps we should be giving some of these leaders, who deserve it, some benefit of the doubt.

Posted by: Ben E. | Feb 1, 2005 11:47:20 AM

Sponge Bob? I can not believe this. My Bible tells me that the one thing we should do is put GOD first. The only way to be saved is thru the blood of JESUS CHRIST. If more of our efforts as preachers and ministers of the Gospel were to tell of JESUS'S love for HIS people and what HE did by giving HIS life, we would not have time to find fault in a cartoon character or anyone else for that matter. People come to the church to be taught how to live the way the Bible says we should. If we keep having our so called leaders of the church coming up with some of the stuff they are coming up with, we won't be able to keep anyone in our churches, let alone find new converts. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that the fruit of the spirit is Love. If we don't start showing some of this fruit, we are going to lose another generation. Stick to the WORD!

Posted by: pam | Feb 4, 2005 7:57:43 AM

It amazes me that so many Christians are not searching out the facts and are so readily believing the "news" reports of the secular-biased media. When I heard of this issue the first thing I did was go to family.org (Dr. Dobson's website) to find out what he really stated. Once I read that, I went to the "We are family" website and confirmed that this organization has many ties to pro-homosexual orgaizations (I did that by going to their links, looking at their board of directors, advertisers, etc.)

What many Christians don't seem to want to understand, as James Dobson and many others do, is that our childrens minds are being heavily assaulted by the homosexual agenda, through major secular media and most of the major media sources (do the research) are heavily staffed with homosexuals who are trying to influence our childrens perception of what God says it right and wrong. I as a parent of young children APPLAUD Dr. Dobson for speaking out and exposing this slick/disguised attempt to influence our children.

Some people seem more outraged at what is said about SPONGE BOB than what is being said to our children! Satan comes to Steal, kill and to destroy, and the homosexual agenda is stealthily seeping in because people are not looking deeply into what's being perpetuated by the media outlets. We as parents are charged to guard our children's minds.

Posted by: K. Kenn | Mar 11, 2005 10:27:40 AM

K.Kenn said:
"Some people seem more outraged at what is said about SPONGE BOB than what is being said to our children!"

Right on! Good post to "wake us up."


Posted by: bernie dehler | Mar 11, 2005 11:23:48 AM

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